Paul’s Journey

Paul Jr. embarked on his journey as an Earth guardian at the age of 10, sparked by a nonfunctional solar toy car. Undaunted, he conducted experiments with lenses, concentrators, and trackers to optimize solar cell performance. His quest broadened, and he gradually realized the global imperative for sustainability and the disproportionate challenges faced by impoverished communities. Dedicated to crafting effective and equitable solutions, he envisioned a world where both present and future generations can thrive in a fair and sustainable environment.

In Paul’s own words

“I love to learn. As early as I can remember I have been learning about things through making. I started out with LEGOs, graduated to LEGO robotics, then microcontrollers, and most recently cardiography techniques to study the human heart. I see engineering as a tool for sustainability and quality of life. I am dedicated to elevating teams by combining my technical and design expertise with my ability to bring people together.” (2021)

Paul led his team to 1st place for their track in the final pitch competition in front of Silicon Valley venture capitalists. 

His teammates recounted in their reflection: “Day 1, led into these murky waters by Gigi [instructor], we found our leader, Paul, and joined him on this journey.” 

Paul’s comment on leadership: “Lead with empathy, recognize each member’s strengths, elevate the team by bringing individuals together to pursue a common goal reached by consensus.”

Take a stroll through time with Paul by watching his videos. Hear his voice, see him in action, and get to know
who he was at different stages of his journey.

Come and savor his animated retelling of his favorite storybook at the age of 9.

Enjoy his presentation at the age of 11 on solar energy and his effort to make it more affordable.

Credit: ASM Materials Camps® 
Join us in uncovering his invaluable experiences from the camp at the age of 16.

Discover the endearing anecdotes and insights about Paul
through the lens of 13 of his friends.

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