Board of Directors & Executive Officer

Jr. was the brightest ray of sunshine in our lives.

Paul Dennig Sr., PhD


Paul and I met in a Harry Potter course I taught at Berkeley. His ability to form genuine bonds with people was something I admired about him.

As a partner, Paul is my other half. His love and encouragement never wavered even through moments of hardship in his life. The mark he left on my heart, on everyone’s hearts, is one that can never be forgotten. 

Maya Cornejo

Vice Chair

I met Paul through a Harry Potter class that I taught at Berkeley. When Paul and I both decided to go into masters programs at Berkeley, we decided to be roommates.

Paul had a great zest for life, and he inspired that enthusiasm in others. He has a depth of character that was rare to find, and improved the lives of everyone around him.

Nikhil Gupta


Paul and I were introduced to each other on the first day of freshman year of high school and we just clicked.

He has changed my life in so many ways that I cannot begin to put into words but am beyond grateful for. Most of all, I’ll miss his unwavering support and open-mindedness, qualities that made him truly unique.

Carly Bednarski

Equity Specialist

Paul was my best friend since we met at college orientation.

In the good time, we celebrated each other’s accomplishments. However, in the bad times, we leaned on each other. His selflessness with his friends is something I will never forget and that’s what I most like him to be remembered for.

Zeyad El-arabaty


Jr.’s radiant spirit will continue to illuminate our paths, and we pledge to spend the remainder of our lives making his dreams come true.

Sik Lee Dennig, PhD

Executive Officer

Committee Chairs

Jr.’s radiant spirit will continue to illuminate our paths, and we pledge to spend the remainder of our lives making his dreams come true.

Sik Lee Dennig, PhD

Paul and I met on a visit to Autodesk, where we were excited to meet each other and speak Cantonese being multiracial.

His drive, compassion and charisma are always with me in my heart and the world has truly lost someone so meaningful with so much potential impact. I will do my best to make what he wanted come true.

Kevin Mahony
Fundraising Chair

Advisory Board

I learned a bit about Paul Jr. through his mother, Professor Dennig, as a student in her Cantonese course at Stanford.

I had the great opportunity to finally meet him in person along with his partner, Maya, and his parents over delicious dim sum. While I didn’t have the chance to get to know him more, Paul’s positivity and desire to do good for the world shone brightly that day in which we were all together. I am honored to be able to help his loved ones bring his vision of a better future for all to life.

Julie Huang, PhD

Scientist & DEI Advocate

I met Paul at Berkeley through Maya and Nikhil and the infamous Harry Potter class. As our birthdays are only one day apart, we naturally hit it off.

Paul’s unwavering love and support strengthened us all. His passion for engineering was contagious, and I’m committed to advancing his vision for an equitable and sustainable future through technology.

Jake Snyder

Video & Digital Advocacy

My dearest cousin and friend, Paul, was a beacon of inspiration and a source of unwavering passion. His enthusiasm for life and his relentless pursuit of his dreams were infectious, leaving an indelible mark on all who were privileged to know him.

His untimely departure has left a void that words cannot fill, but his legacy and vision will continue to inspire many. I am honoured to be part of this foundation in advancing his visionary path forward.

Ngo Kiu Cheung


Paul and I first met through his mother, Professor Dennig, who had organized a trip to practice Cantonese as we ate dim sum. I was immediately struck by Paul’s humility and warmth of spirit. We spoke about his passion for martial arts, as well as his interest in social justice, and he made a great impression on me with his intellectualism, curiosity and compassion. It is rare we get opportunities to meet people who carry all of these qualities. Paul was a beautiful soul who will be dearly missed.

Casey Wong, PhD



Jr.’s Berkeley Professor


Jr.’s Berkeley Professor

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